Hiatal hernia repair with mesh. Robotic vs Laparoscopic approach. Awarded with special video presentation price at the 31st Panhellenic Congress of Surgery 2018.
Robotic Thoraco-abdominal Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy. Presentation of surgical technique. Konstantinidis H. Awarded as the best video presentation at the 30th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery 2016.
Minimally invasive Gastroesophagectomy. Difficult thoracic dissection due to pleural adhesions. Konstantinidis H. Awarded as the best video presentation at the 29th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery, November 2014.
Laparo-Thoracoscopic Gastroesophagectomy in prone position. Presentation of surgical technique. Konstantinidis H. 1st award at the 12th Congress of Surgical Oncology, December 2013.
Minimally invasive Gastroesophagectomy in prone position. Presentation of surgical technique. Konstantinidis H. Awarded as the best video presentation at the 11th Congress of the Surgical Association of Northern Greece, October 2013.
Low Toxicity Perioperative Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer: experimental study in rats after capecitabine administration. H.D. Konstantinidis. Award at the 3rd World Congress on “Quality in clinical practice”, September 2006.
The Effect of Capecitabine on the healing of Colonic Anastomoses in rats. Konstantinidis H. 1st award at the 7th Congress of the Surgical Association of Northern Greece, October 2005.
The Effect of Capecitabine on the healing of Colonic Anastomoses in rats. Konstantinidis H. 1st award at the 1st International Congress on Colorectal Cancer, May 2004.